Specialist Car Insurance for Aston Martin Owners
Insured for an agreed amount in the event of the total loss
You can select the preferd repairer of your choice to repair the vehicle
One “At Fault” accident during in a year, without affecting your NCB
To arrange a series of quotations for your vehicle, just complete the application and we will send you a selection of prestige car insurers with details about their policy for you to review.
We have answers for all your questions.
Comparing car insurance quotes and how to pick the best policy.
Picking the best quote is not just about price.
We’ll arrange up to four insurance quotations and prepare a policy comparisons report for you to review
75% of the difference between the agreed value and payout figure, in the event of a total loss
Following a theft or a not at fault accident up to $1,500 for 15 days
Repair or replacement to front, side and rear windscreens with no excess
Re-coding and/or re-keying locks as a consequesnce of theft or attempted theft